
The General Conclave

The General Conclave - Board of the Order

Grand Master Major-General Karl L. E. Engelbrektson
Èminence grise, HLO* Major Carl Vilhelm Angert, B.Sc. (Bus.Econ.)
Chancellor Consultant Professor Lieutenant-Commander Christer Svensén
Grand Master of Ceremonies Captain Lars Reuterskiöld, B.Sc. (Bus.Econ.)
Grand Mistress of Ceremonies Mrs Margareta Adlercreutz B.Sc. (Bus.Econ.)
First Lady of the Order Mrs Bilge Befrits, LL.M.
Second Lady of the Order Director Minna Storm, Econ. LIC.
First Treasurer Mrs Cecilia Lövdahl, M.D.
Second Treasurer Mrs Anna ingemarsdotter BA
First Secretary Commander Peter Thomsson
Second Secretary Mrs Jennifer Lemne M.Sc. (Eng.)
Third Secretary
Lieutenant Colonel Johan Wåhlén, M.Sc. (Eng.)
First Intendant
Mr Peter Jez, B.Sc. (Bus.Econ.)
Second Intendant Mr Per Hagman, B.Sc. (Bus.Econ.)
Third Intendant, First Webmaster Marketing Manager Major Jonas Stålhandske Palovaara
Fourth Intendent Mr Fredrik Lilliestråle Stéen
First Master of Ceremonies
Qualified Teacher Lieutenant-Commander Verner Gerholm
Second Master of Ceremonies Lieutenant-Colonel Johan Rydén, LL.M
Third Master of Ceremonies, Second Webmaster Mrs Jennifer Lemne M.Sc. (Eng.)
Fourth Master of Ceremonies Lieutenant-Commander Evelina Hedskog, M.Sc. (Eng.), B.Sc. (Bus.Econ.)

* HLO (Honorary member Orden L´Innocence)

Solenne Dag 2019 0014 118The General Conclave during Day of Solemnity 2019

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